Data burnout

Are You Suffering from MUDburn?

Do you feel listless and uninspired? Zapped of energy? Low on fuel?

Do you feel under pressure and out of steam?

Do you enter mountains of data into enormous, custom-made, 256-column spreadsheets that no one understands but you?

Do you dream of a beach vacation, only to realize that the search term “Top Ten Weather-Normalized Destinations” is something you made up?

If so, you may be suffering from a common, but widely unknown condition called “Monthly Utility Data Burnout,” or MUDburn, for short.

But don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’re the MUDburn experts and we’re here to help. Here is an overview of some common MUDburn symptoms and proven ways to eliminate their root cause…

  • You feel like you’re always behind. By the time you’ve collected your clients’ monthly bills, manually transferred all the info, and standardized and normalized the data, you’re amid a new month, in full-on reaction mode. Thus, you can’t make long-term decisions and you feel like you’re chasing your tail.
  • Your main form of exercise is walking down to accounting. You walk 247 steps there, and 247 steps back on the second Tuesday of every month to remind your “frenemy” Marge that she needs to send you a copy of the monthly electricity bill, that still arrives on paper, via snail mail.
  • You’re in a “data-daze.” No matter how much you double- and triple-check your data, formulas and calculations, you still keep finding annoying errors. At the end of the day (literally), the number 8 looks like 3, and 3 looks like 8. It happens. No one is perfect. Don’t take it personally.



If you’ve experienced any—or all—of these symptoms, chances are good that you’re human. In fact, feeling burnt out and frustrated are far and away the most common side effects of MUDburn. Luckily, they are also the easiest to fix.

A high-quality data services platform is virtually error-free. Monthly utility data collection is effortless and calculations are automatic. Even better, intuitive and user-friendly data visualization tools can help you make quick and easy comparisons, in simple metrics that your clients will understand. Benchmark a building against itself, a portfolio of buildings, its peers and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®. Better quality data makes for better analysis.

MUDburn is a serious problem. Left unchecked, it can erode your team’s morale, decrease efficiency and even drive your customers away. Stop MUDburn before it starts by deploying a data services platform that adds value and eliminates costly delays and avoidable errors. You don’t have to suffer the effects of MUDburn. We’re here to help.

Learn more by downloading this white paper: Top 5 Hidden Costs of Do-It-Yourself Data Entry.