Simplify Benchmarking Compliance with the Utility Dashboard

Energy disclosure laws for commercial real estate are here. Twenty-five local governments, two states, and one province have passed laws requiring building owners to benchmark their properties using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and report energy and/or water usage data on an annual basis. And the majority of local ordinances have benchmarking compliance deadlines in April, May and June 2018.
Energy disclosures are a first step at helping bring awareness to our energy use across the country. The hope is that with information, the market will begin to ask more questions, get better answers, and in turn, increase energy efficiency.

NEW: Compliance Alerts in Utility Dashboard

With EnergyPrint, it’s easier than ever to stay compliant. The Utility Dashboard now creates an Alert for all properties with benchmarking compliance deadlines occurring within 90 days. The good news is you can not only see what properties might be impacted by upcoming deadlines, but also take action within the Utility Dashboard to start the compliance process.
Reviewing your compliance Alerts is as simple as logging in to the Utility Dashboard:

  • Click on the Dashboard Tab
  • Click the Property Alerts icon in upper right corner (Note: If no properties are currently impacted, this icon may not be visible)
  • Review your Compliance Property Alerts
  • Click Resolve to start the data submission process with EnergyPrint
  • Type a note in the Resolution Textbox, and click Resolve to save
  • A Note will be saved in your Property Energy Journal

Utility Dashboard Benchmarking Compliance Alert
At this point, EnergyPrint will be notified to verify and complete the data submission process for the property. You will receive a confirmation email after your data has been submitted. Note: if you’d like specific team members or clients to receive a copy of the data confirmation email, simply include that information in your resolution note.

Find Benchmarking Programs & Policies

Not sure if the building you serve are impacted by upcoming benchmarking compliance deadlines? The interactive map below shows a summary of national, state-level, and local efforts that use EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

Whether you need assistance with reporting requirements for one building or an entire portfolio, EnergyPrint can help. With the expertise to ensure that your reporting requirements are met, EnergyPrint will help your buildings not only achieve local compliance, but also help you use this opportunity to take action and reduce energy expense. Contact us to learn more.