
The Rookery Now Using EnergyPrint

The Rookery, a Chicago architectural landmark, is now using EnergyPrint to find, track and prove energy savings. As the oldest standing high-rise in Chicago, The Rookery is proof that buildings of any age benefit from managing their energy and water use and expense. Thanks to The Hill Group for bringing this historical building to EnergyPrint.

7 Sustainability Trends Every CFO Needs to Know

Chief Financial Officers are already involved in many aspects of sustainability. Numerous functional teams that work on parts of sustainability report to the CFO. These groups include investor relations, risk management, EHS, legal, procurement/supply chain, IT, facilities/real estate, and HR … more

Shareholders bring CSR to the boardroom

In 2010, investors’ calls for environmental and social changes – including labor practices, greenhouse gas emissions and political contributions – were the most common type of shareholder resolution … more