EnergyPrint Insights

EnergyPrint Announces Insights Upgrade

EnergyPrint is excited to announce the release of our upgraded Insights, an EnergyPrint service that helps prioritize action within your portfolio and provides building service professionals with key talking points on performance trends so they can effectively approach clients about energy efficiency projects and improvements.

Our Insights clients will now see an upgraded visual experience and reporting capability that combines EnergyPrint’s utility dashboard with brand new business intelligence metrics that highlights key industry energy trends, demand costs, regional utility rates and much more.

EnergyPrint first delivered Insights as automated alerts for energy anomalies within the utility dashboard to help show building professionals where to investigate and engage with clients in conversations about improving performance. The newly upgraded Insights was designed with those same principles in mind, and takes this concept to the next level by combining our dashboard capability with state-of-the-art business intelligence visualization to leverage the power of our proprietary database to make efficiency opportunities even easier to spot.
EnergyPrint Insights analytics

Business intelligence is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting actionable information. EnergyPrint has been working to integrate business intelligence software into our reporting capabilities to drive stronger energy insight on buildings since 2016.

This service is designed to give more visibility across your organization and help entire teams have a bigger conversation internally about energy project opportunities, and strategize how it impacts their unique business. Every month, Insights helps you determine:

  • Where is the energy industry right now?
  • Which clients have the best opportunities for building performance improvements?
  • How can I engage those clients in an effective conversation about their energy use?


To learn more about how Insights can help your company, please contact our Client Services Team.