EnergyPrint Hosts Cost Avoidance Championship

Cost Avoidance ChampionshipEnergyPrint is hosting its very first Cost Avoidance Championship! Our network of energy solutions providers will compete to see who can produce the biggest cost savings for their energy projects from July through December 2016. This team championship was designed to recognize our valued partners for helping their clients reduce energy costs and share building best practices—all while fostering some friendly competition.

Competitors will measure and track their team’s avoided costs compared to the annual energy spend using EnergyPrint’s Advanced Cost Avoidance tool, make improvements for their buildings’ energy performance and share their progress. Each competing team will receive trial access to Advanced Cost Avoidance throughout the competition period to report results and help maximize ROI for their projects. This premium feature includes Rate Lock, Target Line and Custom Balance Points—all available to manage contracted performance.

The team that demonstrates the greatest percentage-based reduction in energy spend will be recognized in February 2017. Each month, EnergyPrint will capture and report results for each team’s avoided costs compared to the annual energy spend.
Learn more about the Championship.