Key Insights from SPARK15

On Nov. 10, Urjanet hosted its third annual SPARK energy and sustainability conference in Atlanta. The event offered Urjanet customers a forum to share ideas on energy management and sustainability challenges, and the value of leveraging utility bill data. After hearing from a wide variety of industry experts, this year’s conference confirmed that financial ROI continues to be a driving factor for energy efficiency investments, especially in commercial buildings.

Here are a few key insights EnergyPrint took away from SPARK15.

  • Data is king. Utility data is still hugely important in managing energy and sustainability. For companies that own and manage multiple buildings, the only way to compare and make business decisions for investment is to use the financial cost of energy – which comes from the utility bill. “More companies are using advanced analytical tools and focused on quality of energy data,” said SPARK15 presenter Marlene Motyka of Deloitte. Access to accurate and validated utility data is key to making smart energy management decisions, and Urjanet’s data automation solutions helps EnergyPrint make that data acquisition more efficient.

  • Energy savings must be tied to cost savings. Energy costs continue to rise, and will always be the primary driver for energy efficiency solutions. According to Verdantix survey “Green Quadrant Building Energy Management Software 2015,” 47 percent of respondents said increasing cost of energy is the most important factor when investing in energy management. Managing energy remains a business decision, with environmental benefits. Those who push this value proposition with the CFO will rule the day.

  • Data alone does not drive action (insights do). Naturally, data does not single-handedly generate value or ROI. For utility bill management, small firms are just getting started and lack resources for large-scale solutions. “That’s why 57% of energy managers currently outsource or plan to outsource energy data management,” cited David Metcalfe of Verdantix in his session “Software Can Transform Energy Strategies…But Will It?” Owners and property managers want to know how they’re doing and which buildings to improve, which requires simple benchmarking metrics to help with insights, prioritization and measurement. Service providers have a huge opportunity to implement their energy solutions based on validated energy insights and prove cost avoidance for clients in this underserved market.

EnergyPrint CEO Priscilla Koeckeritz also shared her Insights on some of the challenges and opportunities currently facing the energy management industry at Urjanet’s SPARK15 Conference. Watch video.